Building Lighthouses

The world has become a terrifying place.  Natural disasters occur with more regularity and intensity than ever before.  The economy of the globe is teetering on a very dangerous cliff, where unemployment is high and fears of inflation, trade wars, and devalued currencies become ever greater.  Parts of Europe are on fire and the Muslim world is about to become more fundamentalist and radical than ever.  As America's status of super power fades, Israel is surrounded by her enemies who feel more empowered each day.  Events continue to unfold in a way that makes the accuracy of the Bible's prophetic words difficult to dispute. We are in the Last Days.

Judging by the reaction I get from my wife when I bring this conversation up, this idea scares the crap out of many people, sometimes making them angry.  If you find yourself in this group, I want you to ask yourself why?  What is it that you fear?  Is it the unknown?  Is it a fear of death?  Or is it simply that you have come to love this world and all it offers and you don't won't to see it go?

a tower or other structure displaying or flashing a very bright light for the guidance of ships in avoiding dangerous areas, in following certain routes, etc.

I named this blog The Lighthouse because the image of a watchtower, built firmly upon a rock, shining its light into a raging sea of darkness, guiding ships in danger, seems to be a good analogy for what I believe is to come and how we should prepare for it.  To be a lighthouse, we must consider some of its characteristics:
  1. It is a tall structure with a solid foundation built upon rock, so that it can stand against raging seas and storms
  2. There is a beacon of light inside the top of the tower that extends outside itself and can be seen for great distances
  3. Its very existence is there to warn and guide ships out of danger
  4. The light remains on at night, in the fog, or during a storm
You can probably see where I'm going with this.  For us to be lighthouses, we must obtain these qualities.  We must be built upon a foundation of rock.  We do this by knowing:
  • Who we are
  • What the truth is
  • Where we are going
If we can define these three objectives based upon faith, then we have already won half the battle (G.I. Joe sure was wise). 

We then gather stones to build our tower and make sure they align with our foundation and each other.  This would be joining a community of people who align with your faith.  Each stone is different (having a unique gift) but each individual stone is vital to the structure.

Finally, when night falls or the storm begins to gather, we ignite our beacon of light.  As a community, our light is the truth that binds us, it is the holy Word of God.  We speak it, we breathe it, and we live it.  Like the beacon of the lighthouse, it is lit inside of us and scatters the darkness outside of us.  Then those who find themselves caught in the raging sea of darkness can see our light and be led to safety.

This is the mission of The Lighthouse: to wake up those who are lost in a world imprisioned by lies, to help discover or strengthen faith, and to inform and prepare ourselves into becoming lighthouses so that we are ready to beam our light into the darkness and help those who will inevitably be swallowed up in it.

We weren't born into this time of darkness by accident.  It has become our burden to bear.  It is time to choose.  Be the person you were created to be.